In order to find your own space in a very busy market place such as the internet, or a saturated market like stationery, you need to make yourself stand out in some way so people buy your products. That's what's called the USP, or unique selling point. It seems pretty obvious but thinking about it has been giving me headaches for a while. Having a "unique style" is great, however I wouldn't really advertise my creations with that tagline since there are thousands of unique styles from different artists. "Positive quotes" is again another popular and oversaturated tag. I was pondering about " self care " and working around my journey discovering and growing my awareness regarding mental health. Still, I can't see myself confident enough to use my basic knowledge since the USP should be something I have an expertise on . Why an expertise? Because only when the maker is confident about what they do and how they do it is when we
Follow the journey of a Spanish illustrator trying to make her online shop grow while working full time in the UK in times of Brexit.