Once I have decided my main goal, I need little stepping stones to reach it. There are many things who have to be done in order to have a shop or live from my work. Specially when I have a regular payed job, no savings , I live in one of the most expensive cities in the world and I like to go to concerts, musicals, eating out or short trips every now and then.
Since I don't think I will get a big lump sum so I can leave my job for some time and have a go at it, these are the steps I have in mind :
- Renew designs.
- Create new products with its packaging.
- Increase online presence .
- Produce a catalogue and send to shops.
- Look up about trade shows or events.
- See if I can go to bigger markets.
- See if I can rent a space in a shop for some time or a pop up shop for 2 weeks.
I would need some steady income from my online shop, equal to at least over £500 a month in order to continue from here to:
- Drop days at my current job.
- Rent office space so I can store my things better than in my bedroom.
- Take unpaid leave from my job for about 3-6 months to try a pop up shop.
- If it works, I should be able to fly solo and keep some casual jobs to help with income when things are slow.
A bit ambitious, right? But writing things and having clear the different stages keeps me grounded and more aware of what I need to do and how to measure my "success" . As I've said before, maybe I won't need to go through all of it, or maybe everything will be completely different in a year's time -or in two month's time. My main goal can change, my circumstances,...life is unpredictable and that's why we have to make the most of it!
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