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Introduction: When there is a will, there is way -even if there is no money to start with!

Hello and welcome. This is probably the 3rd of 4th time I've tried to go for a blog. I was never sure if anyone would be interested on me or my journey. And I can get easily distracted and forget about it. But I thought I could give it another go. 

My name is Felicidad, I am from Spain and I've been living in London for a bit over 10 years. I have a full time job in a tourist hotspot. However I like drawing, illustrating , stationery and gifts and that is why I opened my Etsy shop some years ago with positive quotes and postcards amongst other little gifts.  It has been slowly growing but with all these algorithm changes on Etsy , Instagram and company , results dipped a bit. My computer also broke and there were other series of unfortunate events happening that made me rethink everything. So I took the decision to start  -almost- from scratch.

In this blog I am going to try to share my journey and my learning process. And my internal debates. And the challenges of not being a native English speaker and working full time somewhere else. You are warned!

While I organize myself you can visit my shop here or follow me on Instagram , which are the sites I update the most.


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